The portrayal of sexuality in the media over time...

The portrayal of sexuality in the media over time...

The soilers - 1923

At this point in time, seeing anybody who was part of the LGBT community was very uncommon unless they were used as a comic device, for example the "camp cowboy" in the soilers was not seen as a serious character simply due to his sexuality which at points seemed to belittle him, perhaps reflecting society's unfair  behaviour/attitude towards the LGBT community. This shows how society felt that being LGBT was abnormal and was not something to be taken seriously, as shown by the comedic character which the director has chose to make out of the homosexual cowboy.

Image result for the production code

The production code - 1934
The production code was strengthened in 1934 in an attempt to reduce the negative portrayals of homosexuality in the media, however this had little effect on society's strong opinions and homosexuality was still portrayed as a sickness or a crime. It was barely acknowledged in the news or film industry for years after this code was created, conveying how unsure people were regarding the LGBT community as it was not talked about and was shunned into silence for years as people shied away from acknowledging it.

GBF (G.B.F.)

G.B. F - 2013
This film focuses on how coming out can be traumatic for young people, the protagonist Tanner is outed via social media. It raises important discussion points around social stereotypes and highlights the importance of constructing your own identity. This film was released in 2013 and particularly shows the difference in opinion of those in previous years compared to now, as G.B.F follows a more meaningful and relatable plot for many rather than simply being a comedy to make fun/entertainment from a character's sexuality.

52 Tuesdays

52 Tuesdays - 2013
This is a dramatic film which focuses on the relationship between parents and their children, through the story of Billie, a sixteen year-old who is exploring her identity and James, her mother who is undergoing gender reassignment. This is an unusually structured film which challenges the media's portrayal of the LGBT community in a unique and engaging way. At this point in time 52 Tuesdays really begins to challenge the stereotypes in society's mind as this was a shocking and unexpected film which seemed wrong or inappropriate to many people simply because of how the media had previously portrayed the LGBT community as embarrassing or simply for entertainment purposes.

Love, Simon

Love, Simon - 2018
In this film a gay teenager starts an online relationship with one of his peers, helping them both to come out to their friends and families. This is notably the first film by a major Hollywood studio (20th century fox) to star a gay teenage romance, it is a humorous and heartfelt story which questions the clichés of the average ‘coming out story’, mainly following its young character as he builds the confidence to share his story with those around him. This is one of the latest LGBT films which  tells a story that many can relate to in this era as the community is becoming much more widely accepted in society today and clearly also in the media.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The miseducation of Cameron post  - 2018
In this film a teenager is sent to a gay conversion therapy camp after she is caught kissing her best friend. This is a sensitive book adaptation which depicts the impact denying their identity has on a group of teenager’s mental health. Therefore, it is clear that during recent years the portrayal of LGBT people in the media has improved, and we are starting to see major studios challenge the stereotypes and issues that LGBT people face as people are starting to stand up for what they believe in more. 


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