Music video: Lady Gaga "a million reasons" single camera technique production

Music video: Lady Gaga "a million reasons" single camera technique production

In Lady Gaga's music video for her song "million reasons" she uses single camera production to film. The purpose of the music video is to convey a message/ideology that seems quite personal to her.
In the music video we see a switch between her life away from the stage, fame and glamour and get to see that fame isn't always easy and it comes with great sacrifice - perhaps she is trying to show that love and friendship can be challenged by her lifestyle which she clearly finds difficult to cope with, as shown through her music video. In particular, the scene using a medium close-up at a low angle shown below portrays an image of Lady Gaga lying on the floor of the desert in dark, plain clothes which juxtaposes her usual glamorous appearance and setting, therefore, already suggesting that something is off/different.
Moreover, from the fact that it is shot in a desert we can infer that it connotes loneliness and isolation, which is perhaps how Lady Gaga was feeling. 

This is reinforced by the fact that in the beginning a high angle is used by a single camera to look down on Lady Gaga which creates the feeling that she is in an inferior/low place and adds to the previous idea of the message that she is trying to convey, also the one reason that she shows she carries on her work for is religion and in the video she uses iconography of a crucifix/rosary beads which shows that she follows faith and hope.

Furthermore, a single camera production was used during the making of this video as it has many advantages for this type of video, for example, single cameras are cheaper to use and quicker to set up, also, they provide a more fluent shot which was especially important for this music video as Lady Gaga wanted the focus to be on her and how she was feeling, by using a single camera production she was able to achieve a much more natural flow and therefore convey her message more fluently/efficiently whilst providing a somewhat cinematic feel for the audience. 


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