Cast and Prop list: Released

Cast and Prop list: Released


Khalida = Sofia

I have selected Khalida as my main character because she has a drama GCSE
from her previous secondary school, this means that she has experience in acting and therefore she will be able to make a realistic portrayal of the character that I have created: Sofia. Furthermore, Khalida fits the description of the character perfectly, which means that it will be easier for me to produce the film that I wanted to create.

Gabriel = Derek

I have chosen Gabriel to play the role of Derek in my film as I think that he will be able to easily portray the mysterious characteristics that Derek holds and it will look quite natural.

Nzinga, Deondre = background characters

I have chosen Nzinga and Deondre to act as background characters, this is because during my scenes in the park if there are people walking around in the background it will look more realistic and therefore will make the film appear less "fake" and allow the audience to focus on the storyline/action.

  • Letters/bills - Which are needed for the scene where "Sofia" is looking through them as an introduction to her lifestyle/financial struggles.
  • Jacket - Sofia grabs her jacket and slams the door shut, this places emphasises on her mood in this scene.
  • Mobile phone - This is a key prop in several scenes as it reveals Derek as being Sofia's stalker which is a key plot twist as we see photos of her on his phone.
  • Picture of "Sofia" on phone
  • Glass of water
  • Clock - By showing the time (4am) on the clock it makes the scene seem eerier.


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