Risk assessment form: Released

Risk assessment form: Released

Image result for borough of lambeth

Activity/Task: Film/movie

Location: Oval, Streatham


Risk rating

(High, Med, Low)


Members of the public


Cast members

Garages by ashmole estate





There is a risk that when filming in my outside locations, streatham common and ashmole estate members of the public may disrupt shots, however as long as I film during the day when most people are working or in school it should be less busy so I can film the shots more efficiently without being distrurbed. Moreover, the common has lots of space which means that if it is too busy in a certain area, I can always move to another one to film.

The weather could be a risk as I am filming outside, however I have chosen to film on outside scenes on days where the weather forecast seems to be fine so it is unlikely that the weather will affect filming too much.

The cast members that I have chosen to be in my film are not much of a risk due to the fact that they all attend my sixth form and know the production schedule as well as the shooting script so they know what to say and where we will be filming on each day.

One of the locations that I have selected to film in is a derelict area with garages either side, this may be risky as if cars decide to park there then we will have to stop filming or find somewhere else to film which would be time-consuming and would prevent the progress of my film. However, the area is quite derelict and empty which means that it is unlikely we will be disturbed whilst filming.


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